In our column How To Burlesque, Miss Frankie Tease brings you tips and advice on a mishmash of burly topics. Today, she dishes on how to approach basic choreography. There are two approaches to choreography: one is to have the music first, the other is to have the costume and then find music to fit. This all depends upon the nature of the situation. If you are preparing for a show, they may ask you to choreograph to specific music. In this case the costume will be tailored to the music assignment. If you have your costume or prop first, then you will be searching for the tunes that accompany your idea. Mainly go in search of the mood that you want to convey with your prop, find music to match it. Many advanced and successful performers tend to use music without words, so that they are actually the star of the song, not the words, but this is by no means a rule. Just something I've noticed through time. This allows some tight and some looser choreography. In other word...
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