New Vegas Comedy Show at LVH "Comedy After Dark" Stays Strong in Third Month with Host Anthony Padilla
photo courtesy of What's it take for a local professional comedian to get a gig in the town of Las Vegas? It takes talent and hard work. Spending over a year opening for Louie Anderson at his own club, this stand-up gent finally has his own gig. Anthony Padilla headlines the new show (a few months old) called Comedy After Dark Thursday through Sunday at the Shimmer Lounge at LVH , just off-strip. Now he gets to make fun of the times he spent with Louie Anderson, and to bring his compadres and travelling mega-comedians from all over the country. Though he introduces other guests this doesn't diminish the talent he brings including his famous biting wit and story-telling. Padilla has previously appeared on The CW Network, A&E, The History Channel, and Lifetime to name a few. Now, he has his own headliner show and also does a radio show weekly with Scott Prichard on Vegas Video Network (a show about sports betting). Padilla kno...