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Showing posts with the label portland burlesque photography

Portland burlesque and photography: Matt Adamik interview

Frankie Tease sat down to talk with Matt Adamik about Ohio, New Orleans, photography gear, getting that perfect shot, and shooting burlesque shows. You might be surprised that a guy so quiet had a lot to say.  FT: How long have you been shooting cameras? Matt Adamik:  I've been interested in cameras since I was three, since I could comprehend what they did. FT: Is this an artistic fascination? How would you classify it? Are you a true voyeur of the world? MA:  Techniclly, I'm a gadget freak. I love the mechanisms of cameras like how the shutter works. Especially film cameras, I can sit there and play with broken lenses all day long. FT: Do you fix cameras? MA:  I fix my own gear as much as I can, if I can't fix it for myself I can walk into a shop and tell them what's wrong. FT: So you've been using film for most of your photography career and then recently switched to digital. When did that switch happen? MA:  I started sh...