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Showing posts with the label publicity stunts 2012

The Blue Man Group Skydive Into New Monte Carlo Home, Las Vegas

Festivities kicked off at the back of the Monte Carlo property around 10 am, on Wednesday Oct. 10, 2012. Workers, press, and public were seen gathering to take in what was heralded as the Blue Man Group skydiving into the Monte Carlo (Las Vegas, Nevada). As I approached the area, everyone was focused on the plane circling above. Soon, five men had jumped from the plane and were air-born (three Blue Men and two auxiliary men), barely visible - just specs in the sky -they slowly descended toward land. As they came into view overhead they appeared to have an accelerate trail behind them. Red Bull parachutes became visible and one by one The Blue Men navigated through blue skies and low winds onto a huge plastic blue tarp on the cement acting as their landing area. It was short, and very ambitious. They arrived to great applause and moments after, they began posing for photos with Mayor Oscar Goodman and his showgirls, Co-Creators of the Blue Man Group: Chris Wick and Phil S...