Whitney Streed is a prominant comedy performer in the Portland Oregon Burelsque circuit who is also dabbling in combining Burlesque & Stand-up comedy. Frankie Tease sat down to ask this busy gal a few questions about comedy and burlesque, why she moved to Portland, OR., and what she has in store for you as her audience. FRANKIE-When did you get started in stand up comedy and what or who inspired you? WHITNEY-I started doing stand-up about two years ago. I had a job where I had a lot of free time but I couldn't seem to find any kind of creative outlet, even though I was craving some kind of art. I had thought about doing stand-up kind of in the back of my mind, but hadn't seriously considered it. Then one day I had this weird experience where I was wearing this shirt and I thought, "I should wear this when I try an open mic." By the end of the day I was like, "No.You should do it now. Now is the day. Go and do it!" And so I wrote a set list in a ...
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