The new Planet Hollywood headliner show Loberace is the brainchild of famed American singer CeeLo Green (born Thomas DeCarlo Callaway May 30, 1974). The new show is a tribute to American pianist Liberace. On March 27, the Las Vegas Strip was halted briefly for the arrival of CeeLo on a truck with a burning piano. Twitter was aflutter with photos of eye-witnesses to the madness, as he arrived and cemented his hand prints in clay, flanked by the Jubilee Dancers from nearby Bally's Hotel. Loberace features CeeLo Green as the ringmaster who'll take fans through decades of music covers, including Prince and the Rolling Stones, as well as his own original music. Let's face it, CeeLo has had a few hits like "F*%ck You" and "Crazy", the latter which was produced by his duo Gnarls Barkley. He is most recently known for his role on NBC's "The Voice", and he's also famous for working on Santana's "Supernatural" album (with L...
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