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Showing posts with the label stand-up comedy

Rita Rudner Remains Vegas Stand-Up Champ after 50

Rita Rudner (58) Courtesy of  The longest running, most-successful one person comedy show in the history of Las Vegas is Rita Rudner. Having sold over 50 million tickets to her shows, she's doing something right. Creating believable, intrinsic, observational humor, Rita has entertained audiences in droves and shows no signs of slowing. Unlike a lot of comedians today, she hasn't come through SNL or Comedy Central. Crediting Woody Allen and Jack Benny as her inspirations, she has a biting wit and sarcasm spoken in a warm friendly tone. But Rudner didn't get her show biz start in comedy. Once a New York Broadway dancer, she saw how short-lived their careers were and made the move at age 25 to 'learning to talk'. She encourages people to be realistic and not always follow their dreams now. "Is your dream your nightmare? Be realistic" she quipped in a Conn TV interview. That's advice from a woman who has practiced what she's...

Rob Riggle creates more than a Giggle May 10-12 at the Paris, Las Vegas

Photo courtesy of Rob Riggle has a manic professional talking head style of hilarity that can crack anyone's smile, make them proceed directly to giggles, and lead them promptly to gut laughs. His successful jump from sketch comedy to Stand-up came in 2006, when he toured nationally with now famous John Oliver and other Daily Show writers. Sarcasm is his middle name, and his delivery never falters. You may have also seen him on Saturday Night Live circa 1994/5, among the many other TV appearances and roles he's played. Rob Riggle Jr . has also appeared in several box office success films including 'The Hangover'. He's known for tying in jokes and skits about his actual role as a  Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Marine Corps . He uses his knowledge to act as the 'Military Analyst' on the Daily Show with John Stewart , a character that gets endless mileage and laughs. His stand-up videos indicate he's a top-notch story teller. His l...