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Showing posts with the label burlesque column

How to burlesque "connecting with your audience"

Someone once said 'there are two types of performers: presentation and cathartic'. Those performers who see burlesque as a fashion show will fit more in the category of presentation. No matter how the audience reacts, the presentation performer will continue with their act without the ability to interact. And then there are cathartic performers. They will follow a routine but always leave a possibility open for elevating the intensity of their routine by taking advantage of pique audience interaction moments. Over the years I've been involved in so many different club, social events, presentations, conventions, shows, and festivities, ranging in tone from formal, to big band swing, to bawdy burlesque show, to wedding. When I think about all the performers I've seen, which sometimes come back in bits as memories tend to do, some rise above all the others. The talent rises above, but also so do the cathartic performers. Those who interacted with their audiences and made a...