Xara in Burlesque Assassins - Director Jonathan Joffe This story was first published June of 2012 in the Best of Frankie Tease Magazine Vol. 1 ebook still on iTunes, Amazon, Kindle. Canada’s highly anticipated period-piece film showcasing actual current burlesque stars from all over the world, started simple: a man and an idea. Now, the Director is currently busy scheduling screenings all over the world. After a few minutes chatting with Jonathan Joffe of Canada, Oh Canada, I came to the conclusion he has done his homework. See what this Calgary up-and coming writer and director had to say about this project, the amazing talent he worked with on the film, and why it’s the perfect time for a burlesque spy film. FT: When did you first conceive of the story for Burlesque Assassins, and where did it originate? JJ: As I started to see burlesque grow in the media and the public eye, I thought it would be a great idea for an easy sell. And the more Burlesque pe...
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