For Immediate Release Sept. 15, 2013.
Over the last five years, I have spent many off-hours covering in person and then writing about the entertainment field and stage, related to burlesque, comedy, and music and the culture surrounding them. I studied English Composition in Pasadena at PCC circa 1994-1997, did tons of event production, then began seriously as a columnist in Portland, Oregon circa 2009, all the while writing my own show copy, press releases, and helping others with the same. I have spent two years now (as of September) doing this job in Las Vegas and am in my fourth year producing (usually) a weekly article with photos and an interview of my subject or an editorial piece and have been published by Examiner.com, (online) Vegas Seven (print), "The Best of Frankie Tease Magazine" ebooks Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (Bookbaby / iTunes, Amazon, Nook), The Guardian Express LV (print), and other smaller unmentionable publications. I am finding that it is still important for me to do articles that shed light on the amazing people I encounter who are veteran performers, or more importantly, I find that I don't want to lose contact with these types of people. People that change audience's lives daily by being on stage for a living. People who really love what they do, and take a lot of shit to do it. I like writing the articles that I remember searching for in indie mags throughout the west coast to find out about my favorite artists like Royal Crown Revue, and others.
Over the last five years, I have spent many off-hours covering in person and then writing about the entertainment field and stage, related to burlesque, comedy, and music and the culture surrounding them. I studied English Composition in Pasadena at PCC circa 1994-1997, did tons of event production, then began seriously as a columnist in Portland, Oregon circa 2009, all the while writing my own show copy, press releases, and helping others with the same. I have spent two years now (as of September) doing this job in Las Vegas and am in my fourth year producing (usually) a weekly article with photos and an interview of my subject or an editorial piece and have been published by Examiner.com, (online) Vegas Seven (print), "The Best of Frankie Tease Magazine" ebooks Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (Bookbaby / iTunes, Amazon, Nook), The Guardian Express LV (print), and other smaller unmentionable publications. I am finding that it is still important for me to do articles that shed light on the amazing people I encounter who are veteran performers, or more importantly, I find that I don't want to lose contact with these types of people. People that change audience's lives daily by being on stage for a living. People who really love what they do, and take a lot of shit to do it. I like writing the articles that I remember searching for in indie mags throughout the west coast to find out about my favorite artists like Royal Crown Revue, and others.
So though I've made very little profit from the efforts I've put into writing thus far, I am happy to have a voice with the level of artist I have had the privilege to encounter and that makes it rather addictive. If you could have the chance to speak with people such as Reverend Horton Heat, Lisa Lampanelli, Dirty Martini, Melody Sweets, Ian Ziering, Tonya Kay, Claire Sinclair, Michelle L'Amour, Kalani Kokonuts, Murray Sawchuck, Amy C. Hanley, Sublime, Mondo Durame and Jennifer Keith, Si Cranstoun (UK) and hundreds of other stage, tv, radio and film stars, wouldn't you find it hard to quit? Perhaps over time it will grow into more. And with no advertising, this site still receives over one thousand hits per day on average with over 150 of those being uniques (thanks in part to Project Wonderful referred to us by Illustrator David Herrick). If you like what is going on with these articles, feel free to jump into sponsoring us here.
So, for now I will be modifying the format of this online magazine. I will be doing less on-site on-location coverage or limited and national event coverage and more email, phone interviews, and online interviews and or podcasts, and moving away from writing about only the city I live in, Las Vegas. I feel that the world has changed with the lessening of printing, and the morening of the internet news spews (yes I know morening is not a word). I also find that there is very little work as a journalist right now, so I can't make it a priority, but I won't be quitting. Wherever I am, I'll be doing this periodically now FrankieTease.com. Here I'll continue to cover the things and people that make my heart soar. Elsewhere I will be doing more press release writing, editorial narrative writing, copy writing, and freelance work, to continue with my writing career, and developing a richer, deeper, more complex voice. Please email me if you are interested in my writing services (frankietease@gmail.com).
So readers, thank you for reading and sharing my articles to date on Portland, Oregon, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Thank you for your love of human interest stories, thank you for surprising me constantly with what you find entertaining, and interesting. Thanks to those of you who've written me to encourage me to be informative not assumptive, and who've thanked me for being professional and keeping my word as a journalist. Thank you to Tom Ingram for letting me cover Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend 15 and 16 so far. Thank you to the cool press crews I've met here on Vegas red carpets. I'll be seeing you again sometime. Thank you to the people who bought my ebooks, which will not be re-issued on BookBaby at this time. News will be forthcoming about the 2012 interviews and articles. I believe by December you will be able to read both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of "The Best of Frankie Tease Magazine" online. If you want it in ebook form via iTunes, Nook, or Amazon Kindle now, please visit http://www.frankietease.com/p/ebooks.html each Mag. Vol. $3.99)
Now, you may look forward to continuing informative and journalistic interviews by me as well as national editorial, including where most of my contacts are, the West Coast. But I'll be keeping a pulse on the same type of content I have, only I'm casting a wider net than just Las Vegas. I'm going national. I'll be serving up an interview with Famed Burlesque Star of Vegas: Kalani Kokonuts soon -a work in progress now- as well as doing an editorial on the upcoming film about Tempest Storm. Thank you and see you at the next story via Frankie Tease Magazine.