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Showing posts from December, 2013

What's Out, What's In, 2013/14, A Special Year-End Supplement by Frankie Tease Magazine

Well it's been an eventful year. We've taken the time to stop producing ebooks, start producing audio interviews and entertainment news, and go from covering only Las Vegas, NV, to covering burlesque, comedy, music, and culture of the United States entire region. Sometimes our stories become international because of travelling performers going overseas, and we've covered that too. I've met so many amazing people here in Vegas, and now will be continuing into new territory with phone interviews to keep you entertained coming in 2014. There is so much coming in 2014 from us (me and all my wonderful collaborators and subjects), that I'm very excited to start the new year. Have a great time and safe time seeing this year off, and remember, Don't text and drive . Enjoy this "what's out, and what's in" list from 2013/14 that I've put together (don't worry I know each of you could do better) and this gorgeous photo backdrop of Melody Swee...

Easter Weekends Will Never Be the Same - Preview of Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender 17, 2014 and a Tom Ingram Interview

Satin Dollz at Viva Las Vegas 2013 by Frankie Tease Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend is swiftly approaching its 17th year. The world-wide rockabilly festival that has only seen it's equal in the UK comes to the Orleans Hotel again in Las Vegas April 17-20, 2014. So many new and expanding things about this festival kept creeping up, I had to email my home town of Long Beach to reach the legendary organizer of this event directly. Tom answered and gave me some good preparatory information on what's cookin' for 2014, in addition to the return of Audrey Deluxe for all burlesque productions. He also told me the details of a new October weekender he's behind, which are contained in the Q&A below.  FT: How did you choose this year's headliners? TI: It is always tough choosing headliners. The old acts are not getting any younger so gradually there has to be transition to younger headliners instead of the original acts. FT: How has the Burlesque Showca...

Burlesque Assassins Director Jonathan Joffe of Canada Interview

Xara in Burlesque Assassins - Director Jonathan Joffe This story was first published June of 2012 in the Best of Frankie Tease Magazine Vol. 1 ebook still on iTunes, Amazon, Kindle. Canada’s highly anticipated period-piece film showcasing actual current burlesque stars from all over the world, started simple: a man and an idea. Now, the Director is currently busy scheduling screenings all over the world. After a few minutes chatting with Jonathan Joffe of Canada, Oh Canada, I came to the conclusion he has done his homework. See what this Calgary up-and coming writer and director had to say about this project, the amazing talent he worked with on the film, and why it’s the perfect time for a burlesque spy film.  FT: When did you first conceive of the story for Burlesque Assassins, and where did it originate? JJ: As I started to see burlesque grow in the media and the public eye, I thought it would be a great idea for an easy sell. And the more Burlesque pe...

Burlesque Performer and Pinup Model Kalani Kokonuts Interview Dec. 5, 2013 - a Frankie Tease Magazine Audio Interview

Kalani Kokonuts by Jeffrey Alexander I sat down with five-time Playboy pinup and "Showgirl of Burlesque" in our new little home-studio in Vegas. Kalani talks about coming to Vegas years ago, her recent trip to Germany doing 12 shows in two weeks, and where you can see her weekly in fabulous Las Vegas.  Your ad here, right now: $0 Your ad here, right now: $0