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What's Out, What's In, 2013/14, A Special Year-End Supplement by Frankie Tease Magazine

Well it's been an eventful year. We've taken the time to stop producing ebooks, start producing audio interviews and entertainment news, and go from covering only Las Vegas, NV, to covering burlesque, comedy, music, and culture of the United States entire region. Sometimes our stories become international because of travelling performers going overseas, and we've covered that too. I've met so many amazing people here in Vegas, and now will be continuing into new territory with phone interviews to keep you entertained coming in 2014. There is so much coming in 2014 from us (me and all my wonderful collaborators and subjects), that I'm very excited to start the new year. Have a great time and safe time seeing this year off, and remember, Don't text and drive. Enjoy this "what's out, and what's in" list from 2013/14 that I've put together (don't worry I know each of you could do better) and this gorgeous photo backdrop of Melody Sweets of the Absinthe Las Vegas Show. Don't forget to bookmark and for more of great stuff in this region, and for more amazing photos from nationally acclaimed photographer Gabe Ginsberg. Happy New Year. Wishing you and yours a very happy and eventful New Year.

Click this photo for a free printable multi-size download at

Happy Holidays 
Frankie Tease Magazine

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