Sunday June 3, 2012
FT: Is this your first time hosting the BHOF (LasVegas).
BK: Yes it was. It was amazing, It was an honor. It was so much fun. It was oddly relaxing because it was like being in a living room with a bunch of friends. A very dirty, naked living room, with very dirty naked friends.
FT: What were some of your highlights?
BK: One of the highlights was actually making it on stage. I've been kind of in recovery from a little bit of illness and exhaustion. So, just the fact that I was able to get up there and not pass out was great. After the song I almost passed out, I started seeing light. Talking about highlights is almost impossible with this show, because it was such a sustained crescendo of talent and awesomeness. There was no weak link - it was so close to too much awesome.
FT: Where can we follow you?
BK: On Twitter I'm @BastardKeith, or check out my website at
FT: There is a theme here.
BK: I make branding very easy.
FT: Where are you out of?
BK: I'm out of New York.
FT: That's why you're so fabulous. It's been a pleasure, thanks for the interview.
Sunday June 3, 2012
I'm talking with Banbury Cross just outside of the Orleans Showroom post "Icons and Allstars" show Sunday night at the Burelsque Hall of Fame 2012 Weekend. Here is what this British Burlesque performer had to say about her style, name, and what it was like to perform for this discerning audience.
FT: What does your name mean, for us Americans?
BC: It's the name of a town, and it's also mentioned in a nursery rhyme.
FT: How did you enjoy performing here at the BHOF ?
BC: I thought it was quite possibly the most magical and wonderful experience in my life, so far.
FT: Wow. That's something. Is the energy from the audience different than other places you've performed?
BC: It is. There is 700 people out there which is - you don't really get at a cabaret. You've got that many people giving you that energy and that kick in the ass that you need.
FT: Is this your first time performing in the states?
BC: Yes!
FT: What is the highlight of the festival been for you?
BC: The highlight has been meeting people that inspire you.
FT: For example?
BC: Kitten DeVille is a BIG inspiration. I absolutely adore her. I had never seen her perform live. Meeting her, and being told "hey good job", that was pretty spectacular. Just seeing such talent all around is so amazing.
FT: It's kind of overwhelming.
BC: It really is.
FT: This was my first time seeing anyone from across the pond perform Burlesque live. I noticed that London performers seem to move a lot faster than American performers on stage. Is that a trend?
BC: That's something that's very unique to Kitty (Bang Bang) and I. In London it's the same as it is in the U.S. There is a wide range of styles of performers.
Banbury Cross performed in the 'Best Debut' category on Saturday's Tournament of Tease, and was introduced as London's Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque.
See more of this beauty at
This article was written by Reporter/Performer Frankie Tease
Sunday June 3, 2012

I was able to drag Bastard Keith away from his wife for just a minute and we stood outside Big Al's Lounge at the Orleans post events Sunday night. This is what a skilled host and MC had to tell us about introducing all those renowned stars.
FT: Is this your first time hosting the BHOF (LasVegas).
BK: Yes it was. It was amazing, It was an honor. It was so much fun. It was oddly relaxing because it was like being in a living room with a bunch of friends. A very dirty, naked living room, with very dirty naked friends.
FT: What were some of your highlights?
BK: One of the highlights was actually making it on stage. I've been kind of in recovery from a little bit of illness and exhaustion. So, just the fact that I was able to get up there and not pass out was great. After the song I almost passed out, I started seeing light. Talking about highlights is almost impossible with this show, because it was such a sustained crescendo of talent and awesomeness. There was no weak link - it was so close to too much awesome.
FT: Where can we follow you?
BK: On Twitter I'm @BastardKeith, or check out my website at
FT: There is a theme here.
BK: I make branding very easy.
FT: Where are you out of?
BK: I'm out of New York.
FT: That's why you're so fabulous. It's been a pleasure, thanks for the interview.
Sunday June 3, 2012

I'm talking with Banbury Cross just outside of the Orleans Showroom post "Icons and Allstars" show Sunday night at the Burelsque Hall of Fame 2012 Weekend. Here is what this British Burlesque performer had to say about her style, name, and what it was like to perform for this discerning audience.
FT: What does your name mean, for us Americans?
BC: It's the name of a town, and it's also mentioned in a nursery rhyme.
FT: How did you enjoy performing here at the BHOF ?
BC: I thought it was quite possibly the most magical and wonderful experience in my life, so far.
FT: Wow. That's something. Is the energy from the audience different than other places you've performed?
BC: It is. There is 700 people out there which is - you don't really get at a cabaret. You've got that many people giving you that energy and that kick in the ass that you need.
FT: Is this your first time performing in the states?
BC: Yes!
FT: What is the highlight of the festival been for you?
BC: The highlight has been meeting people that inspire you.
FT: For example?
BC: Kitten DeVille is a BIG inspiration. I absolutely adore her. I had never seen her perform live. Meeting her, and being told "hey good job", that was pretty spectacular. Just seeing such talent all around is so amazing.
FT: It's kind of overwhelming.
BC: It really is.
FT: This was my first time seeing anyone from across the pond perform Burlesque live. I noticed that London performers seem to move a lot faster than American performers on stage. Is that a trend?
BC: That's something that's very unique to Kitty (Bang Bang) and I. In London it's the same as it is in the U.S. There is a wide range of styles of performers.
Banbury Cross performed in the 'Best Debut' category on Saturday's Tournament of Tease, and was introduced as London's Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque.
See more of this beauty at
This article was written by Reporter/Performer Frankie Tease